
来源 :国外医学(消化系疾病分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lion20003
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以CT检查胃肠以往应用较少,这可能与CT的空间分辨率不够精确有关。CT检查胃粘膜清晰度不及钡剂造影,故不宜作为胃、十二指肠的常规检查方法。但利用其良好的对比分辨率、密度区分能力及对解剖学的横切面显像,CT可为胃肠病之诊断提供有价值的辅助性、甚至有独特意义的资料。方法从检查前一日午夜起,限进清流质,以免食物残渣与病变引起之胃壁增厚相混淆。可常规给予口服造影剂,以便区分肠曲、块物及腹腔脓肿。所用造影剂为水溶性碘剂(Gastrografin20ml加水460 ml)或稀钡。某些病例,检查前晚先给造影剂,任其进入大肠,可减少检查大肠所需要的对比剂灌肠次数。扫描前一小时服第 In the past, the use of CT for gastrointestinal examination was less commonly used, which may be related to the inaccurate spatial resolution of CT. CT examination of gastric mucosa is not as clear as barium contrast, it is not as a routine examination of the stomach and duodenum. However, with its good contrast resolution, density differentiation ability and anatomical cross-sectional imaging, CT can provide valuable auxiliary and even unique information for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases. Methods From midnight on the day before the check, limit into the liquid quality, so as not to food debris and lesions caused by the thickening of the stomach confused. Oral contrast agents can be administered routinely to distinguish intestinal song, mass and abdominal abscess. The contrast agent used is water-soluble iodine (Gastrografin20ml water 460ml) or dilute barium. In some cases, contrast agents are given first before the test, allowing them to enter the large intestine to reduce the number of contrast enemas needed to examine the large intestine. One hour before scanning service
Background/Aims The study aims were to determine the role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in patients with acute li
6月20日 晴  在这清净的地方住着一户农家,这里空气清新,门口有一个清澈见底的大池塘。池塘旁边有一片茂盛的不知道名字的树木。  今天一早,这安静的地方可热闹了呢。因为池塘里正在进行一场激烈而又欢乐的小鱼游泳比赛呢!小鱼儿们都拼尽全力往前游,坐在荷叶上的小青蛙在给他们做裁判,小鸭子们跟在小鱼儿的后面,当起了啦啦队,树杈上的一窝小鸟也在叫着:“加油!加油!”  小动物们开心地过了一天,真希望它们天天
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近来,大笔投资资金涌入人人贷行业,传统金融业资深投资人和从业者也纷纷加入。Lending Club 今年6月获得一笔5.7亿美元新融资,其估值较一年前翻番;摩根士丹利首席执行官John Mack个人在该平台投资几百万美元,并在今年应邀加入公司的董事会。  从大概念上说,人人贷属于近来在美国兴起的众筹(crowd-funding)模式,绕开传统金融中介而直接融资,通过互联网集合大众的力量,帮助个人、
一、空运伤员的优点 (一)运送快,可使伤员得到及时的救治。按我国现有直-五和米-八型直升机计算,直-五每小时飞行160公里,米-八每小时飞行220公里。如果野战医院距离前线150