74年9月乙脑大流行时在中心卫生院设备非常简陋的条件下,经辉南县、样子哨公社,各级领导指挥下,成功的抢救了一名呼吸停止12天,心跳停止二次,昏迷52天,瘫痪105天,气管切开95天,鼻饲105天的极重型乙脑病人,经5年随访情况良好,今报导如下: 病历摘要 患者,男18岁,知识青年,74年9月15日9时入院。两天前突然高热,体温39.5℃,头痛,当晚呕吐一次,嗜睡,病情迅速恶化,次晨发现左侧肢体运动不灵活,讲话不清,意识朦胧,遂入院。体验:体温39.5℃,血压:130/80,脉搏90次整,呼吸36次,狂躁不安,神智不清,语言障碍,瞳孔
In September 74, when the epidemic of JE was stopped, the respiratory center was stopped for 12 days under the control of Huinan County, a whistle-blowing commune and leadership at all levels under the very crude conditions of the center hospital. , Coma 52 days, paralysis 105 days, tracheotomy 95 days, 105 days of nasal feeding of patients with severe J, after 5 years of good follow-up, this report is as follows: Patient summary, male 18 years old, young intellectuals, 74 years 9 At 15 o’clock on the January 15 admitted to hospital. Suddenly fever two days ago, body temperature 39.5 ℃, headache, vomiting night, drowsiness, the rapid deterioration of the condition, the next morning found that the left limb movement is not flexible, speech is not clear, dim, then hospitalized. Experience: body temperature 39.5 ℃, blood pressure: 130/80, pulse 90 times the whole breath 36 times, manic anxiety, confusion, language impairment, pupil