江西省都昌县地处鄱阳湖畔,全县人口 60余万,为典型的湖沼型血吸虫病流行区。作为上海医科大学与瑞典Karolinska 研究所的合作课题现场之一,我们随机抽取了5个乡(镇)和20个行政村医务所和县直属5个医疗单位,连续6天分别对所有的门诊病人及调查期间近1个月的住院病人进行了调查,了解其所患疾病名称、所享受的医疗保健制度、本次门诊(住院)的费用及家庭经济状况等。 在所调查到的1274个门诊病人中,在县级医院就诊的占48.90%;男性占56.67%;农民占57.06%。在门诊病人所患的疾病中,呼吸系统和消化系统疾病分别占36.47%和22.11%;其中上呼吸道感染、急慢性胃肠
Duchang County, Jiangxi Province is located on the bank of Poyang Lake, with a population of more than 600,000 people. It is a typical epidemic area of schistosomiasis. As one of the collaborative research topics at the Shanghai Medical University and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, we randomly selected 5 townships (towns) and 20 administrative village clinics and 5 medical units directly under the county, for 6 consecutive days for all outpatients. In-patients who had been in the hospital for the past month or more during the investigation conducted a survey to understand the name of the disease, the health care system they enjoyed, the cost of outpatient service (hospitalization), and the economic status of the family. Of the 1274 outpatients surveyed, 48.90% were at the county hospital; 56.67% were men; 57.06% were farmers. In outpatients, respiratory and digestive diseases accounted for 36.47% and 22.11% respectively; among them, upper respiratory tract infections and acute and chronic gastrointestinal tract diseases.