Brenda Sternquist博士是美国密西根州立大学国际零售管理教授。1978年在美国田纳西大学获得市场学及消费经济与统计管理两个专业的博士学位。Sternquist博士长期研究国际零售管理方面的课题,1992年被评为“密西根大学杰出教授”,1997年获得田纳西大学颁发的“世纪领导奖”,著作有《国际零售(英文版)》,《日本零售商的跨国投资》等。从1989年开始,Sternquist博士每年都要到中国呆上一个月,通过访问企业的方式研究中国的零售业。目前研究的主题是零售业国际化和采购系统。Sternquist博士在美国和日本都做过类似研究,现在把重点放在中国。今年的7月,在北京一家富有地方特色的饭店里,记者采访了Sternquist博士,了解了一个外国专家眼中的中国零售业。
Brenda Sternquist is a professor of international retail management at Michigan State University in the United States. In 1978 in the United States University of Tennessee received marketing and consumer economics and statistics management two professional doctorates. Dr. Sternquist has long been involved in international retail management issues. In 1992, he was recognized as an Outstanding Professor at the University of Michigan. He received the Century Leadership Award from the University of Tennessee in 1997, and has books in International Retail (English), Japanese Retailers of multinational investment "and so on. Starting in 1989, Dr. Sternquist spent a month in China every year to study the retail industry in China by visiting companies. The current research theme is the retail internationalization and procurement system. Dr. Sternquist did similar research in both the United States and Japan, and now focuses on China. In July this year, a reporter interviewed Dr. Sternquist at a local restaurant in Beijing to learn about the retail industry in China in the eyes of a foreign expert.