To report a case of sparganosis in the muscle layer of the eyelid. Observation al case report. A 67 year old man with migratory painful swelling on the eyeli d that was unresponsive to medications was evaluated and treated surgically. Com puted tomography showed a 1.5×1.5 cm sized, thick walled lesion and ultrasound biomicroscopy showed hypoechoic tubular and cystic lesions. During surgery, a w hite, thread like plerocercoid, 7 cm in length was detected in the orbicularis muscle of the lower eyelid. Histopathologic examination demonstrated the charact eristic feature of the sparganum larva and foreign body granulomatous reaction. Serodiagnosis by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was positive. Three months p ostoperatively, the lesion resolved completely. Although rare, sparganosis shoul d be suspected in a moving eyelid mass unresponsive to the medical treatment.
A report of a sparganosis in the muscle layer of the eyelid. A 67 year old man with migratory painful swelling on the eyeli d that was unresponsive to medications was evaluated and treated surgically. Com puted tomography showed a 1.5 × 1.5 cm sized, thick walled lesion and ultrasound biomicroscopy showed hypoechoic tubular and cystic lesions. During surgery, aw hite, thread like plerocercoid, 7 cm in length was detected in the orbicularis muscle of the lower eyelid. Histopathologic examination demonstrated the charact eristic feature of the sparganum larva and foreign body granulomatous reaction. Serodiagnosis by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was positive. Three months p ostoperatively, the lesion resolved completely. Although rare, sparganosis shoul d be suspected in a moving eyelid mass unresponsive to the medical treatment.