面向更宽广的信息职业 创新LIS教育——第三届中美数字时代图书馆学情报学教育国际研讨会综述

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2010年10月9~10日,由武汉大学与美国伊利诺伊香槟大学、匹兹堡大学、美国图书馆与情报学教育协会联合会(ALISE)、iSchools领导小组(iCaucus)合作主办,武汉大学信息管理学院、武汉大学信息资源研究中心、武汉大学图书情报国际合作研究院承办的“第三届中美数字时代图书馆学情报学教育国际研讨会”(The Third International Symposium on Library and Information Science Educa-tion in the Digital Age)在武汉大学隆重召开。这是自2000年首届和2006年第二届“中美数字时代图书馆与情报学教育创新与发展国际研讨会”成功召开之后,中美图书馆学、情报学教育专家学者在珞珈山的第三次聚首。来自国内外多所大学的信息管理学院院长(或系主任)、大学图书馆馆长、档案馆馆长齐聚一堂。开幕式由武汉大学信息管理学院院长陈传夫教授主持,武汉大学副校长周创兵教授出席了开幕式并致欢迎辞。美国合作方代表匹兹堡大学信息科学学院院长Ronald Larsen教授、中国图书情报学界资深专家孟广均研究员、中方合作方代表武汉大学信息资源研究中心主任马费成教授分别致辞。本次研讨会旨在进一步探讨新信息环境下图书馆学、情报学与档案学教育面临的挑战与职业未来,研究学科的变革与创新,并通过促进图书情报档案学教育与实践之间的联系,重点探索数字时代图书馆学情报学教育职业发展方向。 From October 9 to October 10, 2010, Wuhan University collaborated with University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University, University of Pittsburgh, ALISE, iSchools Leadership Team (iCaucus), Wuhan University School of Information Management, The Third International Symposium on Library and Information Science Education hosted by Information Resource Research Center of Wuhan University and Institute of International Cooperation of Library and Information Science of Wuhan University (The Third International Symposium on Library and Information Science Education) in the Digital Age) was held in Wuhan University. This is the first since 2000 and the second 2006 “Sino-American Digital Times Library and Informatics Education Innovation and Development International Symposium” was successfully held, the Sino-US library science, information science education experts and scholars in the Luo Jia The third gathering of the mountain. The dean (or department director) of the School of Information Management from many universities at home and abroad, the curator of the university library and the curator of the archives attended the meeting. The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Chen Chuanfu, Dean of School of Information Management, Wuhan University. Professor Zhou Chuanging, vice chancellor of Wuhan University, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a welcome speech. Professor Ronald Larsen, dean of the School of Information Science of the University of Pittsburgh, and Professor Meng Guangjun, a senior expert of the Chinese library and information science community, represented by the U.S. partners on behalf of Professor Ma Feicheng, director of the Information Resources Research Center of Wuhan University, respectively. The purpose of this seminar is to further explore the challenges and occupational future facing library science, information science and archival education under the new information environment and to study the changes and innovations in disciplines. By promoting the connection between education and practice of library information archives education , Focusing on exploring the career development of library science and information science in digital age.