
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renj19861123
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Background and Purpose-Observations in patients with arterial aneurysms, fi bromuscular dysplasia, and spontaneous cervical artery dissection (sCAD) indicat e that protease inhibitor deficiency might boost the enzymatic destruction of ar terial tissue and increase the risk of these arterial wall diseases. Here we pre sent the first large investigation of the protease inhibitor hypothesis in patie nts with sCAD. Methods -Eighty patients with sCAD were compared with 80 age- and sex-matched healthy individuals, α 1-antitrypsin (α 1)and α 2-macro globulin (α 2-MG) levels, and α 1-AT genotypes were assessed and compared between groups. Results -α 1-AT and a2-MG levels as well as α 1 genotype s did not differ significantly between patients and controls. The frequency of Z alleles in the patient group was higher than in the control group and than in o ther cohorts from Europe; however, the difference remained nonsignificant. All p atients with Z alleles had internal carotid artery dissections. Conclusions -O verall, this data does not support the hypothesis that protease inhibitor levels or α 1 genotypes play an important role in the etiology of sCAD. The present d ata does not exclude that the Pi-Z allele might have an influence on subgroups of sCAD, such as internal carotid artery dissections. Background and Purpose-Observations in patients with arterial aneurysms, fi bromuscular dysplasia, and spontaneous cervical artery dissection (sCAD) indicat e that protease inhibitor deficiency might boost the enzymatic destruction of ar terial tissue and increase the risk of these arterial wall diseases. Here we pre sent the first large investigation of the protease inhibitor hypothesis in patients with sCAD. Methods-Eyeight patients with sCAD were compared with 80 age- and sex-matched healthy individuals, α 1-antitrypsin (α 1) and α 2-macro globulin (α 2-MG) levels, and α 1-AT genotypes were assessed and compared between groups. Results -α 1-AT and a2-MG levels as well as α 1 genotypes did not differ significantly between patients and controls. The frequency of Z alleles in the patient group was higher than in the control group and than in o ther cohorts from Europe; however, the difference remains nonsignificant. All p atients with Z alleles had internal carotid artery diss ections. Conclusions -O verall, this data does not support the hypothesis that protease inhibitor levels or α 1 genotypes play an important role in the etiology of sCAD. The present d ata does not exclude that the Pi-Z allele might have an influence on subgroups of sCAD, such as internal carotid artery dissections.
一、区域活动的意义  区域活动是让幼儿在“玩中学”“做中学”的自主性学习活动,也是幼儿非常喜欢的游戏活动。他们能够根据自己的兴趣和能力,按照一定的规则自主选择各区域的材料。在区域活动中,幼儿活动兴趣高,能积极动脑、大胆表达。通过观察,笔者发现,幼儿通过互相交流、互相合作、互相探讨,提高了分析问题、解决问题的能力,这有效促进了他们良好个性的发展。  二、什么是区域活动  所谓区域活动,即幼儿在教师有
We herein report the case of a 46 year old man with chronic inflammatory demye linating polyneuropathy (CIDP)-with hyperIgEaemia. The patient presented with b i
多房棘球绦虫引发的泡型包虫病是危害最严重的人兽共患病之一,人类可因接触感染动物及其皮毛或污染了多房棘球绦虫虫卵的水土、浆果和用具而感染。 在俄罗斯及其周边国家,多