
来源 :国际汉语教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BluePenguin
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语言和文化在华语文教学上是密不可分的,教师传授语言的同时,也传达文化的知识。一位华语教师应该具备哪些文化素养及能力?作者之研究小组比较中国及美国的师资认证考试,分析归纳出两地所认定的华语教师应具备的文化素养。本论文以中国对外汉语教师资格考试的“中国文学”“中国文化”考科及《国际汉语教师标准》、美国的《全美中小学中文教师资格标准大纲》及美国教师考试中的文化考题为主,分析比较两地师资认证考试所侧重的文化点的异同,由此归纳出华语教师应备的文化素养,以及华语教师被认定应具备的文化能力与学生所需要的文化知识之关联性如何,期望能作为华语师资培养的参考指标之一。最后,论文对中美两地的师资认证考试做出评论。 Language and culture are inextricably linked with Chinese teaching. Teachers impart the language as well as convey the cultural knowledge. What kind of cultural accomplishment and abilities should a Chinese teacher have? The research team compared the teacher certification examinations in China and the United States and analyzed the cultural qualifications that Chinese teachers in both places should have. This dissertation takes “Chinese Literature”, “Chinese Culture”, “International Chinese Teachers ’Standard”, “Outline of Qualification Standards for Chinese Elementary and Secondary Schools for Chinese Teachers” in the United States and “American Chinese Teachers’ Qualifications” Cultural issues, analyze and compare the similarities and differences between the cultural points focused on teacher certification examinations in the two places, and conclude the cultural accomplishments that Chinese teachers should prepare and the cultural skills that Chinese teachers are supposed to possess and the cultural knowledge students need Relevance, expectation can be used as a reference for training Chinese teachers. Finally, the paper comments on the teacher certification examinations in China and the United States.