重庆市人民政府办公厅关于进一步规范户籍制度改革工作的通知 渝办发[2011]286号

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各区县(自治县)人民政府,北部新区管委会:为进一步积极稳妥推进户籍制度改革,确保我市转户工作健康有序进行,经市政府同意,现就规范各地户籍制度改革工作有关事宜通知如下:一、不得违反“五个不许”误导农民转户。“五个不许”是有序推进我市户籍制度改革工作的纪律保障,各地在户籍制度改革工作中,必须严格执行市政府“五个不许”的规定,不许下达指标任务,不许转户与利益挂钩,不许强迫转户,不许强迫退地,不许用工歧视,确保户籍制度改革工作平稳有序推进。二、不得出台突破全市总体政策的鼓励转户措施。各地不得突破全市户籍制度改革总体政策框架,擅自出台诱导农民转户的鼓励政策和措施,干扰全市户籍制度改革正常工作秩序。三、不得违反“三为主”片面追求转户数量。各地在推进户籍制度改革过程中,必须坚持以农民工为主、以开发区为主、以主城区和区县城为主的户籍制度改革“三为主”方针,确保转户结构科学合理。严禁片面追 The people’s governments of all districts and counties (autonomous counties) and the administrative committees of northern regions: In order to further actively and steadily promote the reform of the household registration system and ensure that the transfer work of our city is conducted in a healthy and orderly manner, and with the agreement of the municipal government, we hereby notify you of the relevant matters governing the reform of the household registration system As follows: First, shall not violate “five not allowed ” Misleading farmers to transfer. “Five Permits ” is to orderly promote the reform of the city’s household registration system, discipline and security around the reform of the household registration system, we must strictly implement the municipal government “five ” not allowed to issue the target task, not allowed Transfers and interests linked, are not forced to transfer, are not forced to back, employment discrimination is not allowed to ensure a stable and orderly reform of the household registration system. Second, shall not be introduced to break through the city’s overall policy to encourage transfer of measures. All localities must not break through the overall policy framework for the reform of the household registration system throughout the city and issue without authorization incentives and measures to induce farmers to transfer households and interfere with the normal order of work in the city’s household registration system reform. Third, may not violate “three main ” one-sided pursuit of transfer number. In advancing the reform of the household registration system, all localities must adhere to the principle of "migrant workers being the mainstay, taking the development zones as the mainstay, reforming the household registration system dominated by the main urban districts and districts and counties as the mainstay, and ensuring the structure of the transfer households is scientific and reasonable . No one-sided pursuit
开学典礼,对学校和老师来说是一个庄严的场合,对一个一年级的孩子来说,却可能只有热和烦;他喜欢她,就直接地表达出来,却被大人们联想到成人间的感情。是孩子太出格,还是我们太刻板?  小黑是个非常顽皮的孩子,从他刚一入学,我们之间似乎就开始了对峙,整整三年。有时我晚上做梦都会梦见他在捣乱,他简直成了我的“噩梦”。那时,我常常想:要是班里没有他,那该是多么轻松啊。虽然身为老师,不该有这种想法,但没办法,每