本文根据1983~1984年对4,241名鞍钢女职工和住宅区14,406户、59,716人口中16,848名已婚妇女、9,419名儿童及有关计划生育、妇女病、围产保健、儿童常见病与优生优育情况的调查,以及遗传咨询460例的分析,讨论当前妇女保健工作的四项任务一、围产期保健 1.劳动环境与自然流产的关系:4241名已婚女职工总计妊娠11,534次,其中自然流产486次,自然流产发生率为4.21%。
Based on a survey of 4,241 married women and 14,486 households in Anshan from 1983 to 1984, 16,848 married women and 9,419 children from 59,716 people and about family planning, women’s diseases, perinatal health care, children’s common diseases and prenatal and postnatal care , And genetic counseling 460 cases of analysis to discuss the current four tasks of women’s health work one, perinatal care 1. Labor environment and the relationship between spontaneous abortion: 4241 married women a total of 11,534 pregnancies, of which 486 spontaneous abortion , The incidence of spontaneous abortion was 4.21%.