
来源 :河南石油 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyuwei9999
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概要分析了国内和油田建设中焊接技术现状,认为我国焊接机械化自动化和焊接辅助装置水平较低,常规手弧焊比例高,并使用普通焊条,生产效率低,难以完成大型容器的焊接任务。认为应重点引进自动、半自动焊机设备的辅助装置和双丝埋弧焊、预热焊丝埋弧焊等新工艺,扩大CO_2焊工艺,加强各类装备的维修力量和新工艺试验、推广。 The status quo of welding technology in domestic and oilfield construction is briefly analyzed. It is considered that the level of automation of welding mechanization and welding auxiliary equipment in our country is low, the proportion of conventional hand arc welding is high, and ordinary welding electrodes are used. The production efficiency is low and it is difficult to complete the welding task of large vessels. It should be emphasized that the introduction of automatic, semi-automatic welding machine auxiliary equipment and double-wire submerged arc welding, preheating wire submerged arc welding and other new technologies to expand CO_2 welding process, and strengthen the maintenance of various types of equipment and new technology test and promotion.
我很欣赏我现在的投资人吕超。欣赏他的原因是,在我和他合作的初期,我对他的折腾真叫无是生非。先是签了电视剧《宝贝》,交了两集半剧本,跟他说,对不起,我要改写《心术》了。他说,好。撕毁合同重签。《心术》小说在写作过程中,滕华涛导演因与吕超从未合作过,对他心存疑虑,要撤销与他的合作。我觉得这种话人在江湖都说不出口,谁知,他又说好。我说,预付款我退你。他说不用,迟早会合作的。  后来又出了一系列的事情,我
三伏天来了,  我们有空调电扇,然而……  几千年前的夏天,没有电也没有电器,  大家可知道那个时候,古人是如何度过夏天的么?  下面带大伙穿越回那些年,  见证古人是如何度夏的!  古人也有“空调房”  夏天,空调房是我们现代人的最爱。在这点上,古人也一样,他们避暑首先想到的就是改造居住环境。看过时下宫斗剧的观众或许会记得这样的场景——炎炎盛夏,宫人们抬着一个个装着冰块的大瓷缸,放到小主、娘娘们