In 2-D mathematical mo del, one of the important problems is to improve computational speed. The multig rid method is a new rapid iteration method developed in the resent 20 years, and it has been widely used in many fields, but in sediment mathematical model it h as been rarely used, especially in plane mathematical model with large scale com putational scope. In this paper, the multigrid method is introduced and expected to be used widely in this field. And it is verified that the more layers are a dopted, the higher convergent speed will be reached in computation.
In 2-D mathematical mo del, one of the important problems is to improve computational speed. The multig rid method is a new rapid iteration method developed in the resent 20 years, and it has been widely used in many fields, but in sediment mathematical model it h as been rarely used, especially in plane mathematical model with large scale com putational scope. In this paper, the multigrid method is introduced and expected to be used widely in this field. And it is verified that the more layers are a dopted , the higher convergent speed will be reached in computation.