缺苞箭竹是大熊猫最喜食的竹种之一,主要分布于四川的岷山山系,构成冷杉林下的主要层片。通过两年的定位观测发现: 1.在春季,缺苞箭竹地下部分生长是最活跃的,它包括秆基笋芽的萌发和上年萌发笋芽的走“鞭”发笋。 2.地上部分秆茎生长分为四个阶段,即延缓期,指数生长期,相对生长下降期和休眠期。在第二阶段生长最快,生长量最大,占年高生长量的92%,日最大高生长量为6.1cm。这一阶段的最大特点是气温和生长波动的高度协调。在不同立地条件下这一生长期长短是不同的。 3.通过箭竹生长与气温,太阳辐射,降水等气候因子的回归分析,结果表明:温度是支配箭竹生长的主导因素。
Dazao Jian bamboo is one of the most popular pandas bamboo species, mainly distributed in Sichuan Minshan mountain system, constitute the main layer under the fir forest. Through two years of location observation, it was found that: 1. In spring, the growth of the underground part of A. pygeum was the most active, which included the germination of stalk-shoots and the “whip” shoots. 2. Aboveground stems and stems are divided into four stages of growth, namely, delay, exponential growth, relative growth decline and dormancy. The fastest growth in the second stage, the largest growth, accounting for 92% of annual growth, the maximum daily growth of 6.1cm. The most prominent feature of this phase is the high degree of coordination between temperature and growth fluctuations. The length of this growing period is different under different site conditions. The regression analysis of growth and temperature, solar radiation, precipitation and other climatic factors showed that temperature was the dominant factor controlling the growth of Jian bamboo.