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一家制造杯子的企业,赚了钱之后可以拿出所有的资金去投资房地产吗?这在过去会被视作“不务正业”,是法律不允许的,这笔投资的上限是企业资金总额的50%~70%。但在刚刚修改后的《公司法》中,关于转投资的限制被完全取消了,哪里赚钱就可以投到哪里。门槛虽低,风险更大对于从事经营的企业,修改后的《公司法》有了宽松的一面。一个是设立公司的门槛大大降低,原来10万元到50万元才能设立有限公司,现在3万元就可以了,原来规定有限股份公司最低资本1000万元,现在500万元就行。而且,注册款交付的时限放宽了。过去我们执行的是法定资本制,或者叫实收资本制,公司注册时,必须一次性交齐所有资金,现在规定可以分期缴纳注册款,一般情况下可分两年交足,首期只要交20%, 余下80%可在2年内交齐,投资公司可以5年内交足。另外,允许设立“一人公司”。 A company making a cup of tea, after making money, can take out all the funds to invest in real estate? It used to be regarded as “unprofessional” and is not permitted by law. The limit of this investment is 50% of the total amount of the company’s capital. ~ 70%. However, in the newly amended “Company Law”, the restrictions on reinvestment have been completely abolished and wherever money can be invested. Although the threshold is low, the risk is greater For those engaged in business, the revised “Company Law” has a lenient side. One is to set the threshold of the company greatly reduced, the original 10 million to 500,000 yuan to set up a limited company, and now 30,000 yuan on it, the original provisions of the limited company of the minimum capital of 10 million yuan, and now 500 million on the line. Moreover, the time allowed for the delivery of registrations has been relaxed. In the past, we implemented the statutory capital system, or called the real capital, the company registered, you must pay all the funds in one lump sum, and now provides for payment of registration fees in installments, under normal circumstances can be paid in two years, the first phase as long as the pay 20 %, The remaining 80% can be paid within 2 years, investment companies can pay enough within 5 years. In addition, the establishment of “one-man company” is allowed.
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