电影《天网》的成功之处在于,它塑造了一批象秦裕民、尹远等一些为了维护党的形象和人民的利益,大公无私、不畏高压、嫉恶如仇、铲除蛀虫的光辉形象。很值得一看。但我们也应看到,影片的立意并不新,给观众的启发意义不大,仍没有冲破传统观念和剧情的樊篱。 几千年来,我们国人总把国家的兴衰、百姓的苦乐寄希望于少数“明君”和“清官”身上,即所谓“君明则国兴”、“官清则民乐”、“君昏则国衰”、“官贪则民苦”,“官”的个人品德决定国家的前程、民众的苦乐,而很少从制度和体制的改革创新方面解决问题,不能不说是我们民族的一大悲哀。试想,上访群众李荣才如果不碰上刚正不阿的县委书记秦裕民,他的冤案恐怕只能带到棺材里了。又假如没有地委书记贺光的支持,泰裕民也难敢过顶头上司顾专员的淫威,从而使李荣才的冤案
The success of the film Skynet is that it has shaped a number of glorious images of such as Qin Yu-min and Yin Yuan in order to defend the image of the party and the interests of the people, act selfishly, fearlessly of extreme pressure, jealous of evil and eradicate borers. It is worth a visit. However, we should also see that the film’s conception is not new, which is of little significance to the audience and fails to break through the traditional concepts and plot. For thousands of years, our countrymen have always placed their hope on the rise and fall of our country and the bitterness and joy of the people on the few “Mingjun” and “honest government officials,” the so-called “ National failure ”,“ official greed and grief ”and“ official ”personal qualities determine the future of our country and the joys and sorrows of the general public. However, we seldom solve the problems in reforming and reforming the system and system, and we must say that it is our nationality A big sadness Imagine if the petitioners Li Rongcai did not run into the just county party secretary Qin Yu-min, his injustice would probably only be brought into the coffin. In the absence of the support from the He prefectural party committee secretary, Tai Yumin also dared not dare to step down the despotic power of the top bosses and consultants so that the unlucky case of Li Rongcai