病历摘要患者女性、29岁,因多毛和闭经而入院。患者12岁月经初潮,月经规律,每次月经前1天有痛经。21岁终止妊娠后,开始口服避孕药。6个月后出现踝部浮肿,按医嘱停用避孕药。住院前4年再次使用口服避孕药。住院前1年半,口服18-乙基炔诺酮(norgestrel)和乙炔雌二醇(ethinyl estradiol),此时开始出现轻度痤疮和面毛、大腿毛增多。住院前16个月停用口服避孕药。随后3个月内,每次月经来潮仅1天,月经量稀少,并无前驱症状。以后持续闭经。住院前10个月,服用过5天甲孕酮,停药后2天月经正常来潮。住院前4个月,病人因面毛及大腿毛较前增多而前往妇科检查。盆腔内未发现异常,头颅X线照片示蝶鞍正常。17-酮类固醇15.9
Patient history Female, 29 years old, hospitalized for hirsutism and amenorrhea. Patients with menarche at age 12, menstrual regularity, dysmenorrhea one day before each menstruation. 21-year-old termination of pregnancy, began oral contraceptives. 6 months after the ankle edema, according to doctor’s advice to disable contraceptives. Oral contraceptive use again 4 years before hospitalization. One and a half years before admission, 18-norgestrel and ethinyl estradiol are orally administered. Mild acne and facial hairs begin to develop and thighs increase. 16 months before admission to disable oral contraceptives. Subsequent within 3 months, each menstrual cramps only 1 day, menstrual flow scarce, no prodromal symptoms. After amenorrhea continued. 10 months before hospitalization, taking 5 days of medroxyprogesterone, 2 days after stopping normal menstrual cramps. Four months before hospitalization, the patient went to the gynecological examination due to an increase in facial hair and thigh hair. Pelvic abnormalities were not found, the skull showed normal craniogram. 17-Ketosterol 15.9