我曾执导大型文献电视片《田汉》。 由田汉作词、聂耳谱曲的《义勇军进行曲》,在中华大地上已经传唱了半个多世纪,新中国成立后,这首歌作为中华人民共和国国歌,成为国家尊严、民族精神的象征。 田汉是伟大的“五四”运动所产生的文化巨人之一。他毕生从事文艺事业,是中国革命戏剧运动的奠基人,他对我国的革命文艺运动做出了不可磨灭的卓越贡献。
I have directed a large documentary film “Tian Han.” The song of “Volunteer Army” written by Tian Han and Nie Er Composer has sung more than half a century on the land of China. After the founding of New China, the song became the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China and became the symbol of national dignity and national spirit. Tian Han is one of the cultural giants produced by the great May Fourth Movement. He devoted himself to the field of literature and art all his life and was the founder of the Chinese revolutionary drama movement. He made an indelible and remarkable contribution to our revolutionary art movement.