自去年发生9.1 1恐怖事件后,海、陆、空运输保安已成为各界关注的全球问题。如何防止恐怖组织利用船舶再次施暴、确保承载世界贸易量中80%货物的海洋运输安全、畅通,已成为美国和各国航运界所面临和亟待解决的重大问题。每年约有1600万TEU集装箱以不同的运输方式进入美国,其中海运货箱有600万TEU。由于集装箱适于多式联运及其封闭性,特别易于成为海
Since the 9.1 1 terrorist incident last year, the security of sea, air and land transport has become a global issue of concern to all circles. How to prevent terrorist organizations from using the ships to commit another violence so as to ensure the safety and smooth sea transportation of 80% of the cargoes carrying the world trade has become a major issue that the shipping industry in the United States and various countries are facing and is in urgent need of solution. Some 16 million TEU containers enter the United States in different modes of transport each year, of which 6 million TEU are shipped by sea. As the container is suitable for intermodal transport and its closure, it is particularly easy to become a sea