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本文通过对竞赛展示这一体育赛事传播新形态的分析,探讨了体育展示在赛场现场传播和离场传播的速度、高度、广度、深度等维度的特征,并判断竞赛展示未来的发展为自上而下、凸显一元以及整合共赢的态势。笔者认为,随着人们对体育文化品质追求的提升,体育赛场内外的展示与传播将成为集体育、商业、文化为一体的全景式成长平台,并从顺应需求转向创造需求,体育赛事新媒体的勃发也由此进入一个跨界的时代。 By analyzing the new forms of sports event broadcasting in the contest, this paper discusses the characteristics of the speed, height, breadth and depth of the sports event broadcasting on the scene and on the spot, and judges that the development of the future of the contest shows itself The next, highlighting the unity and win-win situation. The author believes that with the improvement of people’s pursuit of the quality of sports culture, the display and dissemination of the inside and outside of the sports arena will become the panoramic growth platform integrating sports, commerce and culture, and will shift from conforming to the needs and creating new media for sports events Blooming also entered a cross-border era.
目的:通过对周仲瑛教授慢性肾炎治血的学术思想及临证经验进行概括分析,系统总结了慢性肾炎治血的多方面内容,指出治血实非活血化瘀之一端。   方法:通过长期跟随周仲瑛教授临
自从1993年比利时学者报道,患者在服用含广防己和厚朴的中草药减肥治疗后,出现进行性肾损害,后发现是含马兜铃酸成分所致肾毒性,将此定义为“马兜铃酸肾病”(aristolochic aci
目的:  基于AngⅡ-TLR4/NF-κB通路研究地龙降压胶囊抗自发性高血压大鼠早期肾脏损害的作用及机制。  方法:  选用无特定病原体(SPF)级雄性SHR40只,根据收缩压值随机分为模
目的:在不同时间点,应用嗅鞘细胞联合电针治疗脊髓损伤大鼠,观察脊髓巢蛋白(Nestin)阳性细胞的表达情况,确定最佳的治疗“时间窗”。  方法:体外进行分离培养大鼠嗅鞘细胞,培养