Concentration modulation laser spectroscopy of the C2 molecule Swan (d3Πg←a3Πu) system

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The rotational structure of the C2 molecule Swan (d3Πg←a3Πu) system (0,1) band has been recorded by optical heterodyne magnetic rotation enhanced concentration modulation laser spectroscopy in the range of 17730~17880 cm-1. The C2 molecule is generated by an electric discharge through a mixture of acetylene and argon gas and a well-resolved spectrum is recorded with an absolute accuracy of 0.007 cm-1. Sensitivity of the method enables us to observe not only the traditionally observed branches of ΔΩ=0 sub-bands but also some ΔΩ≠0 transitions, providing a slight improvement in the accuracy of some molecular constants of the two states. The theoretical spectra are simulated using the effective Hamiltonian of Brown and Merer and directly fitted to observed spectra; rotational parameters are derived from this fit for the two 3Π states.
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