
来源 :辽宁果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaronfly08
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前言有机会研究最近世界主要国家苹果品种别的生产量,我想介绍一下约10年前的统计比较对照各国的品种动向。本项调查得到了有关诸位的协助,谨致以深切的谢意。另外,年度按西历统一计算,品种名由于国外名称不统一,即按接近实际进行记述,发音不确切之处以原名为准。 Preface There is an opportunity to study the production volume of apple varieties in the most recent major countries in the world. I would like to introduce the comparative statistics on the trends of varieties in various countries about 10 years ago. The survey has been assisted by all of you and wishes to express our deep gratitude. In addition, the annual calculation according to the Western calendar, the name of the species as the foreign name is not uniform, that is, according to the actual description, the inaccuracies of the original name prevail.
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