背景: 故事发生在第二次鸦片战争结束后不久(1860年后),到慈禧实行新政(1906年)。这是一个动荡的时代,列强的侵略,闭关锁国政策的破产,使现代的工业品连同鸦片如潮水般涌进中国,改变着中国固有的经济秩序,冲击着中国传统的道德观、价值观。
Background: The story happened shortly after the end of the Second Opium War (after 1860) and the New Deal to Empress (1906). This is a turbulent era. The aggression by the powers and the bankruptcy of the closed-door policy have brought so many modern industrial products into China like tide of opium that they have changed China’s inherent economic order and shocked the Chinese traditional moral values and values.