The Tinga fault in the southwestern South China Sea is a huge strike-slip fault located between the Nansha block and the Zengmu block, which is obviously reflected in gravity and magnetic anomalies and seismic reflection profiles. Igneous rocks develop along the fault zone. The most important feature of the Tingya fault is its strike-slip nature. Its strike-slip direction changes with the mutual misalignment of the three blocks, namely, the Nansha block, the Zengmu block and the Borneo block. In the Oligocene, , Miocene and Late Miocene - Quaternary, from the beginning of the right-handed into a left-handed, then turned to dextral. The tilt of the Tingya fault caused the deposition of huge Cenozoic sediments in the Zengmu and Brunei basins. The fault associated structures (secondary faults and folds) strongly control the formation of oil and gas. For example, fault block structure and rolling anticline are the most favorable trap structures in the Zengmu and Brunei basins. Both sides of the fault are favorable hydrocarbon prospects.