加人WTO,对中国股票市场无论是从短期还是中长期来看,都将产生巨大而深刻的影响。中国股票市场就像一头“初生牛犊不怕虎”的牛,很有中国特色,个性倔强,即便如此,WTO也会要牢牢牵住中国股市的牛鼻子。 从短期来看,WTO对中国股票市场的影响主要表现为对概念的影响。这会为一些市场主力所利用,对WTO概念进行花样翻新的炒作。留意一个时期的盘面情况,我们可以发现WTO受惠概念时有异动,跃跃欲试。而二级市场的WTO概念,投资者的第一个反应是纺织股,因为中国是服装出口大国,尤其是中、低档服装在国际市场具有较强的竞争力。同前期市场炒作的其他热点相比,人世板块范围较广,一旦被市场认同,其持续时间波及范围可能
Joining the WTO will have a huge and profound impact on the Chinese stock market in the short to medium term. China’s stock market is like a cow that “does not fear the tiger”. It is very Chinese with a stubborn personality. Even so, the WTO will also have to hold down the bull’s nose in China’s stock market. In the short run, the impact of WTO on China’s stock market is mainly manifested in its impact on the concept. This will be exploited by some market players to reformulate the concept of the WTO. Pay attention to the disk of a period of time, we can find the concept of WTO benefits when there are changes, eager. The second concept of the WTO market, investors, the first reaction is the textile stocks, because China is a garment exporter, especially in the low-end clothing in the international market with strong competitiveness. Compared with other hot spots in the previous market hype, the world-wide segment has a broader scope. Once it is recognized by the market, its duration may cover the range