【出 处】
<正> 救治危重病人过程不应疏忽经肠道或非肠道的营养支持,因为营养影响病人的转归。关键是要了解什么时候开始进食和如何计算必需的蛋白质和热卡的量。病人状态及营养需要开
Larger Benthic Foraminifera from the Paleocene Sediments in the Chehel-Kaman Formation, North-Easter
This study is the micropaleontological investigation of the Chehel-Kaman Formation of Paleocene age from Kopet-Dagh basin, NE of Iran. Thirty three species of d
Geological factors play a major role in constructing and stability a dam. The study area is Chamshir Dam, which is located on the Zohreh River, 20 km southeast
Reservoir Characterization of Carbonate in Low Resistivity Pays Zones in the Buwaib Formation, Persi
Carbonate reservoir characterization and estimation of fluid saturation seem more challenging in the low resistivity pay zone (LRPZ). The Lower Cretaceous Buwai
One of the most interesting salt structures is salt-tongue canopy. The Central Iran basin has a few salt provinces and in this paper, morphotectonic concept of
A new multidisciplinary study is being carried out in several localities from Outer Carpathians of Central Europe. Outer Carpathians allow studying the Cretaceo