A Note on k-Limited Maximum Base

来源 :现代交通学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huoniao10
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The problem of k-limited maximum base was specified into two special problems of k-limited maximum base; that is, let subset D of the problem of k-limited maximum base be an independent set and a circuit of the matroid, respectively. It was proved that under this circumstance the collections of k-limited base satisfy base axioms. Then a new matroid was determined, and the problem of k-limited maximum base was transformed to the problem of maximum base of this new matroid. Aiming at the problem, two algorithms, which in essence are greedy algorithms based on former matroid, were presented for the two special problems of k-limited maximum base. They were proved to be reasonable and more efficient than the algorithm presented by Ma Zhongfan in view of the complexity of algorithm.
1 老年人便秘的原因分析 rn1.1年老、体弱多病,长期卧床,活动相对减少,肠蠕动减弱,粪便在肠道内停留过久,水分被过多吸收,导致粪便干燥,引起便秘. rn
通过对我场2002年罗非鱼种春季强化培育的几种养殖指标对比分析,结果表明:在为期55~102d的养殖期内,以每667m2放养鱼种1 500~2 000kg,放养规格35~40g的养殖模式的效果为最优,在
ded to changed.Also the system is structured with standardized and modularized design procedures on the Windows OS platform.