慢性静脉功能不全(Chronic venous disease,CVD)是指由于静脉结构和/或功能异常导致静脉回流障碍,从而出现下肢水肿、直立位下肢沉重、乏力及胀痛、小腿胫前皮肤色素沉着、静脉性溃疡等一系列临床表现。我国下肢静脉疾病的患病率为8.89%,其中静脉性溃疡占1.5%[1]。60%~70%的下肢皮肤溃疡是由于静脉瓣膜病变或者既往深静脉血栓导致静脉功能不全、静脉回流障碍所致[2]。由于患者直立或者行走时下肢肿胀,甚至疼痛、不适,患者可出现
Chronic venous disease (CVD) refers to venous drainage disorder due to structural and / or functional abnormalities of the vein resulting in edema of the lower extremities, severe lower limbs, weakness and pain in the upright position, pre-tibial skin pigmentation, and venous Ulcers and a series of clinical manifestations. The prevalence of venous diseases in our country is 8.89%, of which 1.5% is venous ulcer [1]. 60% to 70% of lower extremity skin ulcers are caused by venous valve disease or previous deep venous thrombosis resulting in venous insufficiency, venous reflux disorder [2]. As the patient erect or walking lower limb swelling, or even pain, discomfort, patients can appear