Surface and transport properties of Cu-Sn-Ti liquid alloys

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kornnay
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The lack of experimental data and / or limited experimental information concerning both surface and transport properties of liquid alloys often require the prediction of these quantities. An attempt has been made to link the thermo- physical properties of a ternary Cu-Sn-Ti system and its binary Cu-Sn, Cu-Ti and Sn-Ti subsystems with the bulk through the study of the concentration dependence of various thermodynamic, structural, surface and dynamic properties in the frame of the statistical mechanical theory in conjunction with the quasi-lattice theory (QLT). This formalism provides valu- able qualitative insight into mixing processes that occur in molten alloys. The lack of experimental data and / or limited information on both surface and transport properties of liquid alloys often require the prediction of these quantities. An attempt has been made to link the thermo-physical properties of a ternary Cu-Sn-Ti system and its binary Cu-Sn, Cu-Ti and Sn-Ti subsystems with the bulk through the study of the concentration dependence of various thermodynamic, structural, surface and dynamic properties in the frame of the statistical mechanical theory in conjunction with the quasi-lattice theory (QLT). This formalism provides valu- able qualitative insight into mixing processes that occur in molten alloys.
单片微机监控系统,—般都需要配备随机打印和定时打印。打印有两种方法:等待打印和中断打印。等待打印,要占用CPU 的大量时间,影响数据采集、显示以及软件时钟走时准确性。
在三角函数中,我们经常遇到一类形如“已知asin x+bcos x=c,求角x的某(些)三角函数值”的问题.解决这类问题的一般思路是:将条件式与sin~2x+cos~2x=1联立解方程组,求得sin x
20 0 1年 7月 3日上午 9时 ,道教、佛教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教五大宗教团体负责人及部分首都宗教界代表 2 0多人 ,在国家宗教事务局会议室座谈学习江泽民总书记在建党 8
本文提出了一种用Turbo pascal语言实现多字节带符号二进制数的乘、除法运算方法,详细地说明了其算法. In this paper, a method of multiplication and division of multi-