英国著名史家爱德华·霍列特·卡尔(Edward Hallet Carr),生于1892年,早年就学于剑桥大学特利尼蒂学院,曾先后在英国外交部、情报部门任职,担任过《泰晤士报》的助理编辑。四十年代起,在威尔士大学和牛津大学执教,直到1955年后被选为剑桥大学特利尼蒂学院的校务委员。他一生著作极丰,最有影响的是十四卷本的《俄国革命史》;其他重要著作有《巴枯宁传》、《两次世界大战之间的国际关系(1919—1939)》、《从拿破仑到斯大林》、《共
Edward Hallet Carr, a famous British historian, was born in 1892 and studied at the University of Cambridge Trinity College in his early years. He worked in the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Intelligence as the “Times” Assistant editor. From the forties onwards, he was coached at the University of Wales and Oxford University, and was elected as a faculty member of the Trinity College of Cambridge University after 1955. His most influential book in his life is the “Revolutionary History of Russia” in 14 volumes. Other important books include “Biography of Bakunun”, “International Relations between Two World Wars (1919-1939)”, “From Napoleon to Stalin”, "Total