非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)是一种常见的但是发病机制尚不十分清楚的全球性疾病.NAFLD的患病率为25% ~ 30%,其主要的病理改变是肝脏内脂肪的病理性蓄积.目前,相关研究已经证实,肠道菌群与NAFLD的发生及发展密切相关.肠道菌群可能通过增加肝脏炎症反应、改变肠道通透性、影响能量代谢及机体内物质代谢等因素,进而影响NAFLD的发生和发展.本文从肠道菌群及其在NAFLD中的作用,以及肠道菌群与NAFLD的治疗等方面进行综述.“,”Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common and poorly understood liver disease whose incidence is globally rising.The prevalence of NAFLD is 25%-30%,and its main pathological change is the pathological accumulation of lipids in the liver.At present,research has confirmed that gut microbiota play a crucial role in the development of NAFLD.Gut microbiota may influence the NAFLD pathogenesis by increasing the inflammation in liver,altering the intestinal permeability,and affecting energy and substance matabolisms.This article reviews the roles of gut microbiota in the pathogenesis and treatment of NAFLD.