Communication Chain-foldability effect on coaggregation Evidence derived from time-resolved fluoresc

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chm200630990203
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Very recently,we have proposed that all culprit molecules of arteriosclerosis mightpossess a common and measurable inherent property,namely,a coaggregating ten-dency.Extensive kinetic measurements of these tendencies in terms of △CAgC valueshave led to a new and surprising observation,i.e.,the cholesteryl ester with a longsaturated 18-carbon chain(CE-18)actually has a much smaller tendency towardcoaggregation than that of the ester with a“short”8-carbon chain(CE-8).Thisstate of affairs has been coined as the“chain-foldability effect”,i.e.,the 18-carbon Very recently, we have proposed that all culprit molecules of arteriosclerosis mightpossess a common and measurable inherent property, namely, a coaggregating ten-dency. Extensive kinetic measurements of these tendencies in terms of △ CAgC valueshave led to a new and surprising observation, ie, the cholesteryl ester with a long saturated 18-carbon chain (CE-18) actually has a much smaller tendency toward coaggregation than that of the ester with a “short” 8-carbon chain “Chain-foldability effect”, ie, the 18-carbon
Objective: To study referral to hospital units and the clinical characteristic s of women with epithelial ovarian tumors in a prospective, population-based st u
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跟你我一样,他也是个凡夫俗子。 在咄咄逼人的大人物面前,他也会心慌意乱,语无伦次;在金碧辉煌的高楼前,他也会自惭形秽,裹足不前。 然而他还有卓越人物特性,“并不是没有恐
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