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我国国防工业是在“一穷二白”的基础上建立和发展起来的。到改革开放前大致经历了两个发展阶段,即初建时期和调整发展时期。20世纪70年代末开始,党和国家的工作重点开始转移到经济建设上来,国防工业基础随之进行了重大的改革和调整。目前,国防科技工业坚持走新型工业化发展道路,建立健全竞争、评价、监督和激励机制,推进资产优化重组和产业结构升级,全面提升了国防科技工业整体素质和可持续发展能力。今后,我国国防工业的发展应集中军品和民品优势资源,打造新的能创造军工核心能力和抢占国际制高点的跨行业跨国大型军工企业集团,要面向社会加大国防工业的开放度,同时加强与国际机构合作以利用全球化带来的益处。 Our national defense industry has been established and developed on the basis of “one poor second white”. Before the reform and opening up generally experienced two stages of development, namely, the initial construction period and adjust the development period. Since the late 1970s, the focus of the party and state work has shifted to economic construction. The foundation of the national defense industry has undergone major reforms and adjustments. At present, the national defense science and technology industry adheres to the path of a new type of industrialization and establishes a sound competition, evaluation, supervision and incentive mechanism to promote the optimization and reorganization of assets and upgrading of the industrial structure, and comprehensively enhance the overall quality and sustainable development capability of the national defense science and technology industry. In the future, the development of China’s defense industry should focus on superior resources of military products and civilian products and create a new large-scale cross-industrial and multinational military and military enterprise group that can create the core capabilities of military industry and seize international high ground. We should increase the openness of the national defense industry toward the society and at the same time strengthen International agencies work together to take advantage of the benefits of globalization.
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