咽喉痛与感冒是人们求医问药的最常见的症状之一,也是抗菌素处方的主要病因之一,咽喉痛还可引起食物误入气管,每年都要因此而消费大量的医疗费用。 美国Mayo Clinic的一个研究小组对明尼苏达州的圣马丽医院的118名咽痛患者的双盲试验表明,只需单剂量10mg地塞米松就可以快速有效地缓解
Sore throat and cold are one of the most common symptoms that people ask for medicine. They are also one of the main causes of antibiotic prescriptions. Sore throat can cause food into the trachea and therefore consume a large amount of medical expenses every year. A team from the Mayo Clinic in the United States conducted a double-blind trial of 118 patients with sore throat at St. Mary’s Hospital in Minnesota, showing that a single dose of 10 mg dexamethasone can be quickly and effectively relieved