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1“春江水暖鸭先知”.上海远洋公司的决策者们,新一轮改革开放中主动出击,开拓经营.邻近上海的张家港前景诱人,独树一帜,于是一锤定音:新辟“上海远洋张家港船舶供应中心”!水运企业家张学成坐上了“中心”的头把交椅.“中心”启动了:在所属张家港、镇江、江阴三“站”的码头,只见一件件一车车的物料源源不断地运上船舶……2创业之初,步履维艰.船舶供应市场的竞争日趋激烈,欲占一席之地,谈何容易?面对竞争,张家港船舶供应中心首先抓好“公关”宣传,树立自身形象;沟通各方关系,使同仁中一些“冤家对头”,变成了“合作伙伴”.其次是选好人才,尤其是造好业务骨干.张学成总经理对曹操的用人方略倍加赞赏:“唯才是举,吾得而用之.”不少亲友欲投奔他的麾下,皆被—一婉言谢绝,而对素不相识者,只要有才,就录取重用.50年代毕业于高等学府、熟练俄、英、日三国语言尤以俄语见长、又具丰富口岸工作经验的郭纪宝,被委以张家港船舶供应站副经理重任.第三是抓好优质服务.不管是炎夏酷暑还是严冬腊月,也不管是刮风下雨,船舶一停,有求必应;物无巨细,组织抢运;天大困难一肩挑,乐得船方大拇挠! 1 “Spring plumbing duck prophet.” Shanghai Ocean Shipping’s policy makers, a new round of reform and opening up to take the initiative to open up business. Zhangjiagang near Shanghai’s attractive prospects, unique, so a final word: the new “Shanghai Ocean Shipping Zhangjiagang Supply Center ”Zhang Xuecheng, a water transport entrepreneur, took the top spot in the“ center. ”The“ Center ”started up: In the docks of Zhangjiagang, Zhenjiang and Jiangyin, there was an endless stream of materials Shipping on the ship ... ... 2 Venture at the beginning, struggling. Ship supply market is increasingly fierce competition, want to take a place, easier said than done? In the face of competition, Zhangjiagang Ship Supply Center first do a good job of “public relations” publicity, establish their own image; , So that some of my colleagues in the “enemy of the enemy,” turned into a “partner.” Followed by the selection of talent, especially to build a business backbone. Zhang Xuecheng Cao Cao, general manager of employment strategy double plus appreciation: And use it. "Many relatives and friends want to defeat his arm, are - a polite declined, and those who do not know each other, as long as talented, admitted to reuse. 50 years graduated from institutions of higher learning, cooked Russia, Britain, Japan, especially the language of the Russian language, but also has rich experience in port work Guo Jibao, Zhangjiagang was appointed deputy manager of shipping station responsibility. The third is to do a good job of quality service. Whether it is the hot summer or winter, no matter Is the wind and rain, the ship a stop, there is no response; material size, organization rush transport; big difficulty one shoulder pick, happy the ship thumbs!
中国工商银行杭州市高新支行地处杭州文教区,周边各类高校有20余所。该行自2000年9月开办助学贷款业务以来,已先后与11所高等院校签订了助学贷款合作协议,截至 2001年 10月末,累计发放各类助学贷
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