大棚茄子一栽两收栽培技术,五常市取得了成功的栽培经验,并在我地大面积推广应用。其主要栽培方法是:1 春季培育适龄壮苗为使春茬茄子获得高产并提早上市,在1月上中旬开始准备育苗工作。育苗在温室内应用营养袋移栽育苗技术,具体方法是:将消毒处理并催芽的种子密播在60 c
Greenhouse eggplant cultivation planted two harvesting, five Chang made a successful cultivation experience, and in my large area to promote the use of. The main cultivation methods are: 1 spring breeding age seedlings in order to make high-yield spring eggplant and early market, starting in mid-January to prepare nursery work. Seedlings in the greenhouse nutrition bag transplanting seedling technology, the specific method is: the disinfection and germination of the seeds are sowed at 60 c