To investigate the relationship between rabbit’s femoral artery gap width (GW) and actual defect length (ADL). Methods: In the free group, 24 femoral arteries of 12 rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups. The femoral arteries were transected sharply at 15.0, 25.0 and 35.0 mm respectively. Apil, Free length increase (IIL) and GW changes, and calculate the elongation λ, defect group: 9 rabbits 18 femoral artery. The actual free length (AcIL) were 35.0mm, were randomly divided into three groups, respectively, the length of excision physiological status ADL5.0,15.0,25.0mm. Measure ApIL, IIL and GW changes. Results: In the range of 35.0mm, AcIL transected femoral artery, IIL and λ were not affected by AcIL (P> 0.05), GW increased linearly with AcIL: △ GW = △ AcIL · (1-1 / Λ). When AcIL was constant, ADL had no effect on IIL and ApIL (P> 0.05). GW increased linearly with increasing ADL: △ GW = △ ADL · 1 / λ. CONCLUSIONS: There is a relationship between ADL, ApIL, AcIL, IIL and GW in the rabbit femoral artery within the AcIL of 35.0mm: ADL = AcIL- (AcIL + IIL- GW) · λ or ADL = (ApIL- IIL) ) · Λ.