目的 :考核自编大学生艾滋病 /安全性行为知识、信念、行为意向问卷的信度和效度。方法 :基于该问卷在 5 98名大学生中的调查资料和 6 3名大学生中的重测资料 ,计算了该问卷的内部一致性、重测信度和结构效度。结果 :该问卷信度较好 ,多数部分的 Cronbachα系数达到 0 .7以上 ,重测系数基本达到 0 .6以上 ;效度尚可 ,公因子解释问卷全部内容的比例为 5 8.85 % ,与所依据理论的结构基本一致。结论 :该问卷可以用于测量大学生艾滋病 /安全性行为相关知识、信念和行为意向 ,但需进一步完善。
Objective: To assess the reliability and validity of self-compiled college students’ HIV / AIDS behavioral knowledge, belief and behavioral intention questionnaire. Methods: Based on the questionnaire survey data of 598 college students and the test data of 63 college students, the internal consistency, test-retest reliability and structure validity of the questionnaire were calculated. Results: The reliability of the questionnaire was good, most of the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were above 0.7, and the retesting coefficients were above 0.6. The validity was still good. The proportion of the total content of the questionnaire was 5 8.85% According to the theory of the structure is basically the same. Conclusion: This questionnaire can be used to measure knowledge, beliefs and behavioral intentions of HIV / AIDS-related behaviors in college students, but needs to be further improved.