1当前海洋捕捞业面临的主要问题 1.1捕捞渔船增长势头没得到有效控制,海洋渔业资源保护难度很大目前远洋渔业虽有较快发展,但单一捕捞的状况尚未有根本性的改观,以开发公海渔业资源为主的大洋性渔业比重还很小。
1 The main problems facing the current marine fisheries 1.1 The growth of capture fishing vessels have not been effectively controlled, the protection of marine fishery resources is very difficult Although the rapid development of offshore fisheries, but the status of a single fishing has not been fundamentally changed to The proportion of oceanic fisheries that mainly exploit the fishery resources in the high seas is still small.