一、1998年经济法学研究概况 在1998年,经济法学的研究紧跟时代的步伐,适应时代的需要,进一步向纵深方向推进。总起来说,本年度经济法学基础理论的研究在以下三个显著特点:一是经济法基础理论的研究日趋深入和完善,并尝试运用相关学科的方法进行研究;二是对部?
I. Overview of the Economic Law Study in 1998 In 1998, the study of economic law kept pace with the times and adapted to the needs of the times, further advancing in depth. To sum up, the study of the basic theory of economic law this year has the following three salient features: First, the study of the basic theory of economic law is deepening and perfecting, and attempts are made to apply the methods of related disciplines; second,