据说,古时候,狗先后同狐狸、狮子之类交过朋友,终觉得它们胆子太小而耻与为伍。后来,狗碰上了人,发现人是地球上在利益面前最勇敢的动物,从此便死心塌地的跟着人类了。 人与狗的故事…… 虽然人与狗是两个不同层次上的“动物”,但只因狗温顺、讨人喜欢,深得人们宠爱,故而有“狗通人性”之说。古往今来,关干人与狗的故事可谓名目繁多,可歌可泣。 (故事1)清太祖努尔哈赤,曾被明朝总兵李成梁追杀过。一次,在努尔哈赤陷入绝境时,他连人带马跃进了山沟里的枣藤架上,大青马摔死了,努尔哈赤也摔昏了过去。追兵一见,以为努尔哈赤已死,便放火烧山。跟随努尔哈赤的大黄狗急忙跳进水沟里将毛沾湿,在他的身上和周围打起滚来。努尔哈赤醒来后见满山是火,便顺着大黄狗滚出的道路冲了出去。从此以后,满族人就忌杀狗和食狗肉,前清时,每年都要杀猪奠大黄狗。
It is said that in ancient times, the dog has made friends with foxes, lions and the like, and finally feel that they are too brave and shameful. Later, the dog ran into people and found that people are the bravest animals on earth in the interests of the since then heart to heart following humans. Stories of people and dogs ... Although humans and dogs are “animals” on two different levels, they are dog-friendly because they are docile and enjoyable. Throughout the ages, people and dogs related to the story can be described as many, epic. (Story 1) Qing Taizu Nurhaci, who had been chased by the Qing Dynasty Chief Li Chengliang. Once, Nurhachu was in desperation, he even with people leap into the razor in the jujube rack, the Great Green horse fell to death, Nurhachu also fainted in the past. Seeker, I thought, Nurhaci is dead, then set fire to the mountains. The big yellow dog following Nurhaci quickly jumped into the gutter to moisten the hair and roll it around and around him. Nurhachi woke up to see the mountains is a fire, then along the road rolled out of the yellow dog rushed out. Since then, the Manchus have avoided killing dogs and eating dog meat.