Reduced cell death by inosine pretreatment after photochemically induced cerebral ischemia in adult

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaotao_8730
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Protective effect of inosine against cell death after photochemically induced focal cerebral ischemia was investigated in adult rats. Intraperitoneal injection of inosine was started 24 h before operation and continued till the animals were sacrificed.The TUNEL method and Nissl staining were used to identify apoptosis and necrosis,respectively.TUNEL-positive cells were located in the transitional zone between the necrotic core and normal cortex.The mean maximum area of the necrotic cores and mean number of TUNEL-positive cells 24 h after operation were reduced significantly in the inosine-treated rats when compared with those in the saline-treated control animals. We suggest that inosine can significantly reduce both necrosis and apoptosis following cerebral ischemia induced by photothrombosis in adult rats. Protective effect of inosine against cell death after photochemically induced focal cerebral ischemia was investigated in adult rats. Intraperitoneal injection of inosine was started 24 h before operation and continued till the animals were sacrificed. The TUNEL method and Nissl staining were used to identify apoptosis and necrosis , respectively.TUNEL-positive cells were located in the transitional zone between the necrotic core and normal cortex. The mean maximum area of ​​the necrotic cores and the mean number of TUNEL-positive cells after 24 h after operation were reduced significantly in the inosine-treated rats when compared with those in the saline-treated control animals. We suggest that inosine can significantly reduce both necrosis and apoptosis following cerebral ischemia induced by photothrombosis in adult rats.
我们都是被城市化的一员。道格·桑德斯在《落脚城市》一书中以预言家的口吻阐述,二十一世纪末人类将实现完全的城市化,全球大概有二三十亿的农业人口将彻底从乡间移入城市,几乎所有人都不免受到影响。然而,一个“被”字,说尽了尚未落脚的新移民们在城市化大潮中进退失据的尴尬处境,城市无疑还没有准备好接纳规模如此庞大的乡村移民。  每年定期上演的中国式春运,为《落脚城市》写下了生动的注脚。节假期客流高峰属于美国社
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