2010年12月13—15日,中国首届体育舞蹈产业管理高级硕士课程EMBA研修班在上海同济大学开学。中国体育舞蹈联合会秘书长尹国臣表示:这个课程的出现像黎明前的一缕阳光,给寻求专业理论学习的体育舞蹈从业者提供了光明和希望。在三天的课程中,被誉为“黄埔一期”的学员们聆听了国际体育舞蹈联合会主席Carlos Freitag、中国体育舞蹈联合会秘书长尹国臣、国际体育舞蹈联合会体育运动理事Marco Sietas、同济大学经济与管理学院叶明海教授的四场专题讲座,内容涉及国际体育舞蹈机构与管理、
On December 13-15, 2010, the first EMBA program for the first master degree in sports dance industry management started in Shanghai Tongji University. Yin Guo-chen, secretary-general of the China Sports Dance Federation, said: “This course is like a ray of sunshine before the dawn, which provides light and hope to the sports dance practitioners seeking professional theoretical studies. During the three-day course, trainees acclaimed as ”Whampoa Stage I" listened to Carlos Freitag, President of International Dance Federation, Yin Guochen, Secretary General of China Sports Dance Federation, Marco Sietas, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Professor Ye Minghai four seminars on topics relating to the international sports dance institutions and management,