This article focuses on the relationship between preterm birth and perinatal mortality in terms of women at risk of preterm birth. Data from the Norwegian Medical Birth Registry and the Central Bureau of Statistics, and with the United States Minnesota relevant information for comparison. The risk factors for preterm delivery include race, twins, premature births, previous abortion history, primiparous age, pregnancy complications, education and occupation, and lifestyle. Comparing the relationship between the cumulative percentages of singletons and multiple births and the perinatal mortality for Norwegians and Minnesota Minnesota at different gestational ages, the first two families were found to have greater similarity, particularly in pregnancy 36 Weeks ago. Non-whites, on the other hand, doubled the cumulative percentage of births by whites, so the average non-whites in the United States averaged one week less gestation than whites. Although only 32% of all births were delivered before 33 weeks of gestation, almost half of the perinatal mortality rate is extremely premature