华盛顿艺术家RockneKrebs的作品在从世界博览会到华盛顿现代艺术画廊的全球范围展出。他以光作艺术工具。虽然他的事业跨越40多年,但开始迷上激光和然后开创一种新的艺术形式是在60和70年代。彩色画家和激光 60年代在华盛顿发生了艺术革命,后来被授予“华盛顿彩色画家”称号
Works by Washington-based artist Rockne Krebs on display worldwide from the World’s Fair to the Washington, DC, Art Gallery. He uses light as an art tool. Although his career spanned more than 40 years, he became fascinated with lasers and then started a new art form in the 60s and 70s. Color painters and lasers The Art Revolution took place in Washington in the 1960s and was later awarded the title of “Washington Color Painter”