
来源 :农村.农业.农民 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:camino
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党的十五届三中全会总结了20年来农村改革和发展的巨大成就和基本经验,明确提出了农业和农村工作跨世纪发展目标和必须遵循的基本方针。为此,我们应紧密联系当地实际,高标准高质量地加强农村基层组织和党员队伍建设。要在实际工作中,按照河南省委提出的“围绕经济抓党建,抓好党建促经济”的指导思想,通过举办学习班和其他形式,认真抓好农村基层组织和党支部建设,抓好农村后进党支部的整顿,提高党支部的战斗力,增强广大党员干部带头致富和带领群众共同致富的本领。但目前农村还存在一些明显的差距。其表现:一是有些领导同志对农村基层组织建设工作还重视不够,抓农村基层组织建设领导责任制不落实,存在着“一 The Third Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee sums up the tremendous achievements and basic experiences in rural reform and development over the past 20 years and clearly sets forth the cross-century development goals and the basic guidelines that must be followed in agriculture and rural work. To this end, we should strengthen the building of grassroots organizations and party members in rural areas in close contact with the actual situation in the region and on a high standard and high quality. In practical work, we should conscientiously do a good job in building grassroots organizations and party branches in rural areas in accordance with the guiding ideology put forward by the Henan Provincial Party Committee for ”focusing on the party building by the economy and doing a good job for the party building and promoting economic development“ through granting classes and other forms We must rectify the branch of the rural progressive party and improve the combat effectiveness of the party branches so as to enhance the ability of the majority of party members and cadres to take the lead in getting rich and leading the masses to get rich together. However, there are still some obvious gaps in rural areas. Its performance: First, some leading comrades have paid insufficient attention to the work of building rural grassroots organizations, and grasped the responsibility system of leading cadres in the grassroots organizations in rural areas that are not implemented. There is a ”one
价格是经济运行的综合反映。今年上半年,与经济稳中向好态势相适应,我国价格总水平保持平稳运行。国家发展改革委深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,纵深推进重点领域价格改革,着力发挥价格杠杆作用,进一步完善主要由市场决定价格的机制,为深化供给侧结构性改革、保持经济稳中向好势头发挥了积极作用。  一、与经济稳中向好态势相适应,价格总水平保持平稳运行  上半年,居民消费价格(CPI)