今年5月,联合国教科文组织于1947年创建之国际戏剧协会(InternationalTheatre Institute)的第25届双年会在德国名城慕尼黑举行。5月的慕尼黑风光旖旎,鸟语花香。宽阔的街道一尘不染。1972年曾经在这里举办过奥林匹克运动会。鳞次栉比的新建高楼大厦与保留着古色古香的砖木结构的楼房建筑群和谐地融为一体。这座古老又现代的城市曾是巴伐利亚大公国的国都,大公国的官邸建筑堪与巴黎的凡尔赛宫媲美,那里的藏画堪称一流。在这座城市的街道上徜徉,可以充分地体味到那过
In May this year, the 25th Biennial of the International Theater Association, founded by UNESCO in 1947, was held in the famous German city of Munich. Munich in May with beautiful scenery, flowers and birds. The wide streets are spotless. The Olympic Games was held here in 1972. Row upon row of new high-rise buildings retain the antique brick and wood structure of the building complex harmonious integration. This ancient and modern city was once the capital of the Grand Duchy of Bavaria. Its main residence is comparable to the Palace of Versailles in Paris, and its collection of paintings is first class. In the streets of the city 徜 徉, you can fully appreciate it