A Preliminary Research on the City Planning of “Yin”,Capital of the Shang Dynasty

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:resume_002
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“Yin”was the capital of Shang Dynasty.On the basis of archaeological findings,theauthor explored the planning and layout,distributions of city functions,structural patternsand so on of this capital of the China’s slave society 3,000 years ago from the viewpoint ofcity planning.Through analysing the detailed layout of the imperial palaces,residentialareas,handicraft workshops and imperial tombs of the ancient capital city from the thensocial and economic background,the author believes that the city planning concept of theancient“Yin”township has far-reaching influence on the city planning of different dynas-ties in Chinese history. “Yin” was the capital of Shang Dynasty.On the basis of archaeological findings, theauthor explored the planning and layout,distributions of city functions,structural patternsand so on of this capital of the China’s slave society 3,000 years ago from the viewpoint of city planning. Through analysing the detailed layout of the imperial palaces,residential areas,handicraft workshops and imperial tombs of the ancient capital city from the thensocial and economic background,the author believes that the city planning concept of the ancient “Yin”township has far-reaching influence on the City planning of different dynas-ties in Chinese history.
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