如果说2003年网络领域的热门技术和产品之一是万兆交换机的话,那么,万兆交换机高端应用的普及年就非2004年莫属了! 从国内市场的应用领域来看,政府、电信、金融、教育等行业正在迎来万兆以太网规模应用的黄金推广期,万兆交换机正是其中的脊梁。 为了全面展示主流网络厂商在万兆交换机产品领域的技术特色、产品特色、解决方案及典型案例的精华之处,为高端行业用户的采购选型、知识积累提供最权威的指导和帮助,本期《产品选型》,i博士将和钱经理、欧主管一起聚焦万兆交换机的极速世界。
If one of the hot technologies and products in the field of networking in 2003 was a 10G switch, then the popularity year of high-end 10GbE switches would have to be none other than 2004. From the field of application in the domestic market, the government, telecommunications, Finance, education and other industries are ushering in the golden promotion of the application of 10GbE Ethernet, 10GbE switch is one of the backbone. In order to fully demonstrate the mainstream network vendors in the Gigabit switch product areas of technical characteristics, product features, solutions and typical case of the essence of the high-end industry users purchase selection, knowledge accumulation to provide the most authoritative guidance and help, this issue “Product Selection”, i Dr. and money manager, director of Europe focused together Gigabit Ethernet switch speed world.