
来源 :西北农业学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Johnnywang03
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对新疆孜然地方品种主要农艺性状的平均值进行性状比较、相关分析和聚类分析。结果表明,以变异系数为依据进行分析,7个农艺性状的变异系数为4.2%~38.8%,表现为二级分枝数>单株伞形花序数>一级分枝数>株高>主角果粒数>千粒重>生育期,表明这些性状品种间差异较大,可用于杂交和育种选择。简单相关分析中,有5对性状相关显著,其中株高与单株伞形花序数、二级分枝数、主角果数呈显著正相关,千粒重与生育期、株高、二级分枝数、单株伞形花序数、主角果粒数均呈正相关。供试材料在遗传距离0.67水平上可聚为4个大类,可区分为矮秆生育期长千粒重较高、矮秆一级分枝数多、高秆单株伞形花序数多、二级分枝数和主角果数多千粒重高4种类型。 The average of major agronomic traits of Xinjiang cumin was compared with that of the other two cultivars. The results showed that the coefficient of variation of seven agronomic traits was 4.2% ~ 38.8% based on the coefficient of variation, which showed that the number of secondary branches> the number of umbels per plant> the number of primary branches> the height of plant> protagonist Number of seeds> 1000-grain weight> growth period, indicating that these traits differ greatly between cultivars and can be used for crossbreeding and breeding options. In the simple correlation analysis, there were 5 significant correlations between the traits. Among them, the plant height was significantly and positively correlated with the number of umbels, the number of secondary branches and the number of main fruits. The grain weight per plant, plant height, , The number of umbels per plant, the number of protagonist fruit particles were positively correlated. The test materials can be grouped into four major categories at the genetic distance of 0.67, which can be distinguished as follows: the dwarf growth period has a high one-thousand-grain weight, the number of dwarf primary branches and the number of tall- The number of branches and the main fruit of more than one thousand weight four kinds of types.