Since its establishment in May 1971 in our group, under the leadership of the party committees and branches, we have consistently adhered to class struggle as the key link and actively carried out the operation of acupuncture anesthesia. By the end of 1976, more than 80 kinds of surgeries including head and neck, chest and abdomen, spine, limbs, facial features and perineum had been made using body acupuncture, ear acupuncture, lip acupuncture and scalp acupuncture and so on. A total of 1,343 cases were performed; 86.52%, the success rate was 96.41%, excellent and good rate was 80.57%. Practice has enabled us to realize that the line is a key link and an outline. Only by paying close attention to class struggle and upholding the correct ideological and political lines can we gradually carry out the work of acupuncture and linen numbness and carry it on in the long run. Acupuncture anesthesia in the struggle to start up Just established, we are not familiar with the work of acupuncture, there are three thoughts on the fear: Acupuncture anesthesia is not effective,